Carolyn Salas, ‘Untitled (No. 7)’ aqua resin, fiberglass, graphite poder and sealant. Image courtesy of Ever Gold Gallery.
Ongoing to December 12th – Carolyn Salas: See Thru at Ever Gold Gallery: New York based artist Carolyn Salas’s recent work utilizes materials and finishes in visually deceptive ways; snaking tubes with the look of solid lead are actually a lightweight casting material, and large apparently Styrofoam forms are heavy, resin casts of the referent material. The emulation of materials suggests fragility, yet never truly deceives as trompe-l’œil. In this exhibit the artist presents a series of wall-reliefs from the artist’s ongoing series The Breakups, playing with weight and the appearance of airiness and disposability. Ever Gold is located at 441 O’Farrell Street in San Francisco.
November 6 to December 19, 2015 – Barry McGee: China Boo at Ratio 3: Barry McGee’s style and visual language has an instantly recognizable character and unique voice. His work draws its structures and graphic impact from the influences of tagging, and ‘Mission School’ abstraction, meeting a formal logic that draws on the conventions of contemporary abstract painting and sculpture. McGee’s paintings and drawings incorporate elegantly drawn elements of figurative line work and repetitive tessellations of geometric, abstract patterns which synthesize found and invented source material. The opening reception is Friday November 6th from 6-9 pm. Ratio 3 is located at 2831A Mission Street in San Francisco.

Katy Stone ‘Cathedral II’ oil on aluminum and Anna Fidler ‘A Burst of Harmony So Brilliant’, acrylic, gouache, colored pencil on paper. Image courtesy of Johansson Projects.
November 6 – January 23, 2016 – Katy Stone + Anna Fidler: Coastal Coven at Johansson Projects: In Coastal Coven, Anna Fidler and Katy Stone toy with the relationship between the natural world and the supernatural realm just beyond, with the boundary between constantly melting in and out of focus. The artists sculpt in layers of metal, paper and paint unearthing radiant mythical bursts of energy from their homeland in the Pacific Northwest. The opening reception is Friday, November 6 at 5:00 pm. Johansson Projects is located at 2300 Telegraph Avenue, in Oakland.

Top: Nigel Poor ‘Banned Book: Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret.’, Bottom: Sarah Christianson ‘Killdeer Mountains’ & Phillip Maisel ‘Feldspar (1101)’. Images courtesy of SF Camerawork.
Saturday November 7th, 6:00 – 9:00 pm – SF Camerawork 2015 Benefit Auction: Founded in 1974, SF Camerawork’s mission is to encourage and support emerging artists to explore new directions and ideas in the photographic arts. Through exhibitions, publications, and educational programs, they strive to create an engaging platform for artistic exploration as well as community involvement and inquiry. The Benefit Auction is their most important annual fundraiser featuring a live auction, food and cocktails. Buy Tickets Here. SF Camerawork is located at 1011 Market Street, 2nd Floor in San Francisco.

Leslie Shows ‘Coupler’ ink, acrylic, plexiglass, synthetic rubber, wood, and aluminum. Image courtesy of SFAI.
November 7th – December 12th – Leslie Shows in the Walter and McBean Galleries at the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI): Leslie Shows recently spoke of a desire to “make work that is so secret from myself that I would be seduced into making it.” In a series of sculptural paintings commissioned for this exhibition, Shows’ striking materials—engraved aluminum, synthetic rubber, cut Plexiglas, silk, and digitally printed sand—appear as just-formed thoughts. Shows’ new works further dissolve previous imagery akin to abstractions of pyrite, or glaciers, to crawl out of, and back into, the landscape. Her works vary in scale, from picture-sized to room- scale installations, and shiver in light. The opening reception is Saturday, November 7th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. The Art Institute is located at 800 Chestnut Street in San Francisco.